Highest level of management

TTST follows transparent management practices in accordance with the provisions of the ethical code, which is one of the most important documents governing our actions. This code sets the highest standards of management, which are strictly adhered to in order to ensure honesty, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of the company's operations.

Urszula Jarosz

Urszula Jarosz

CEO Transition Technologies
– Systems sp. z o.o.

Ewa Kwapis

Ewa Kwapis

BoD Member Transition Technologies
– Systems sp. z o.o.

Management Board Urszula Jarosz, Ewa Kwapis
Production departments
Energy and Gas Market
Power Engineering
Service – Customer Service
Service – Infrastructure
Sales departments
Business Development
Support departments
Finance and Accounting
HR and Administration
Representative for ZSZ

ISO Certifications are a guarantee of quality and sustainable development

In March 2023, the Company obtained compliance certificates with four prestigious ISO standards. The individual certifications reflect our continuous commitment to delivering services at the highest level and oblige the Company to maintain these standards in the future.

Information Security Management

to ISO/IEC 27001

Quality Management

to ISO 9001

Environmental Management

to ISO 14001

IT Service Management according in Service Departments

to ISO/IEC 20000-1