Terminal Management System


In the era of globalization and diversification of sources of supplies, especially of energy resources, sea logistics is becoming more and more important. Large scale of commercial exchange causes a significant increase in port transhipments in various forms. This applies to both containers and tankers. Managing of berthing, optimization of unloading time, readiness of port infrastructure are all issues that now acquire a new meaning. The management of the port’s transhipment capabilities, the quantity of goods which it is able to deliver to the market, especially energy resources, also depend on the management of these individual elements.

These are the causes for development of our product, Terminal Management System . This IT system provides the support of port operators in the daily tasks of ships berthing scheduling, unloading but also land facilities management. Synchronization of ships unloading and logistics of unloaded goods by land transport, while maintaining all standards and requirements of road and railway traffic, are crucial to ensure highest efficiency of port operation.

The high focus during TMS product development has been put to liquid energy resources with particular emphasis on LNG. Optimization of LNG terminal operation in terms of maximizing the number of berthing and unloading operations while maintaining safety procedures and at the same time ensuring efficient reception of LNG with road transport is the main task of TMS. Tasks of scheduling, simulation, optimization, data exchange between individual participants of the logistics process based on the transparent and functional structure of dedicated sites is the advantage of our solution.