Check in which areas LUXtrade works

Wholesale trade service

The wholesale trade service in the LUXtrade system includes the management of contractors, contracts and support for trading on the energy, gas and derivatives markets.

Using the LUXtrade system in the wholesale trade process will ensure:

Efficient trading on regulated markets and OTC:

  • Automatic retrieval of concluded transactions and updating of trade positions (EEX, ICE, TFS, Nordpool, CAO, GSA).
  • On-line communication with X-Stream Trading, X-Stream Clearing, Sapri Trade on TGE and foreign exchanges EPEX SPOT and Noordpool.
  • Access to algo-trading mechanisms for active trading and position management automation based on market data analysis.
  • Optimization of energy purchase and sale orders on the TGE Day-Ahead Market within the Capital Group and automatic generation of market and internal transactions.
  • Support of transactions based on standard products and non-standard transactions, indexed prices, exchange rates.
  • Preparation, editing and analysis of SPOT transactions concluded on a trading day.
  • Quick valuation of transactions based on online price lists.
  • Cross-portfolio, cross-border, related.
  • Printout of transaction agreements for concluded transactions.
  • Transaction authorization (according to Separation of Duties).
  • Trader limits (flexible and customizable mechanism).

Easy preview of statements and summaries:

  • Management and balancing of trading positions (portfolios).
  • Valuation of an open position.
  • List of transactions and redemptions, determination of redemption obligation.

The back office functionality of the LUXtrade system includes:

  • Management of contractors in terms of creating a file of contractors, along with specific parameterization of contractors in relation to goods.
  • Credit risk management, records of financial collateral under contracts and contractors.
  • Records of contracts, annexes, assignments related to the maintenance of the document database.
  • Parameterization of contracts and settlements adapted to the specificity of individual goods.
  • Generating billing data for invoices and the ability to generate purchase mappings and compare them with invoice data.
  • Keeping payment records.
  • Standard interface for integration with financial and accounting systems.
  • Trade reporting in accordance with EMIR, REMIT and MIFID2.

Retail service

The process is carried out by several independent modules communicating with each other. It is possible to implement the implementation of selected processes, for example: billing data management is communicated with an external tool for generating billing documents.

  • Fully functional CRM module dedicated to the energy market.
  • Support in the supplier switching process.
  • Downloading measurement data from all Polish DSOs in the field of energy and PSG companies in the field of gas.
  • Determination of billing values ​​in accordance with billing periods or reading periods.
  • Automatic determination of consumption values ​​for balancing places and scheduling unit.
  • Searching for measurement points not configured in the system for which the operator publishes measurement data.
  • Records of contracts with contractors.
  • Settlement of retail customers for electricity, network natural gas and LNG.
  • Wide options for configuring settlements: trade fees and discounts, taking into account the colors of property rights and distribution rates, entering data from the customer’s statement, the ability to aggregate invoice items.
  • The possibility of freely configuring the appearance of the invoice and attachments.
  • Automatic integration with the Envelo service of Poczta Polska S.A. – automatic sending of billing documents.
  • Assigning payments and collection module.
  • Dedicated eBOK platform configured according to needs.

RES segment

The LUXtrade environment provides tools dedicated to the market of renewable energy sources:

Lux Green Forecast – forecasting module for RES generation sources – wind farms and photovoltaic installations. It allows you to create automatic forecasts of wind and photovoltaic generation production. They are created on the basis of weather forecasts provided together with the module or externally by the Customer and historical data based on statistical models. The product implements the following functionalities:

  • Automatically create and continuously update production forecasts
  • Generating and sending reports to DSOs, including those implementing the System guidelines
  • Operation Guidelines (SOGL)Operation Guidelines (SOGL)
  • Graphic representation of forecast and actual data
  • Unit availability planning options

The Lux Virtual Power Plant module responsible for the coordination and optimization of sources connected in a virtual power plant: RES production or conventional, recipients (including DSR) and storage. Optimization models can implement various strategies depending on the client’s expectations, returning optimal points of work of units implementing a given goal. Available functions:

  • Records of VPP units and their technical limitations
  • Acquisition of planning data and actual measurements from modules
  • LUXtrade or external systems
  • Follow-up optimization of set operating points of units in a 15-minute or hour regime
  • Customization of optimization algorithms in R

Lux P2PTrading – a platform addressed to RES prosumers and trading companies for virtual electricity trading. The functionalities of the platform allow for associating the prosumer with the recipient, exchanging information with the trading company and automatic settlements, both traditional and based on Blockchain technology. The module provides access to:

  • Prosumer records
  • Lists of concluded virtual transactions and account balances of individual clients
  • Billing and reporting functionalities

Supervision of stock exchange trading

As part of the LUXtrade solutions, a module is available that performs the duties of internal supervision over stock exchange trading, including the duties of companies with PPAT status. The module enables the analysis of stock exchange trading in terms of detecting potential manipulations or actions that have no business justification and provides access to the following functions:

  • Automatic analysis of events in terms of price, volume, value of orders and transactions
  • Access to algorithms as defined by MAR
  • User-defined algorithms can be configured
  • Parameterization of the analysis for individual products
  • Access to a detailed history of stock transactions
  • Interactive graphical visualization of the session


Capacity market

LUXtrade provides support for capacity market processes by integrating them with other areas of activity in the system. The system provides mechanisms for analyzing the availability of generating units, acquisition of measurement data and calculation of WSOM. Functionalities for monitoring and recording availability, capacity obligations and power reserves are also available. The system supports the area of ​​trade in capacity obligations and settlements with contractors on the capacity market.

Communication with contractors

The LUXtrade system has several solutions dedicated to clients, including:

The CORNUS website is a place where the Counterparty can obtain all information about contracts and their implementation. Available functions:

  • Submitting and updating schedules in any time horizon – demand forecasts or plans and sales made.
  • Preview of archived notifications and transactions in a web browser window.
  • Improvements (import from xls, time gates, easy copying of data, messenger – chat).
  • View billing documents and general reports made available to clients.

PWIT technical portal:

  • Setting long-term renovation plans.
  • Determining the operational availability of generating units in the medium term.

ETUA trading portal:

  • On-line monitoring of the traffic situation of generating units.
  • Indication of current production parameters: electricity, heat, green energy, efficiency, etc.
  • Analysis of performance, actual availability of generating units.

The Broker Client website for clients of the Brokerage House enables placing orders for the clients of the Brokerage House along with the supervision of security and access to settlements.

Manufacturing planning

In the field of electricity production management, the LUXtrade system supports users in the generation planning process, taking into account repair plans of generating units and enabling their negotiation in the area of ​​the Capital Group between the Managing Unit and the Producers.

The technical information exchange portal is intended for communication with Manufacturers and enables:

  • Negotiations with the Manufacturer of plans for major and medium overhauls in the long term.
  • Engineers introducing plans for ongoing repairs, measurements and capacity limitations of JWCD units within the next month.

Thanks to the records of planning and operational events, the LUXtrade system provides:

  • Determining the amount of energy that should be sold to ensure a minimum for selected units.
  • Determination of the amount of energy that should be sold in the form of standard products to ensure the fulfillment of the assumed work plan.
  • Scheduling taking into account data from WPKDj, especially on a monthly basis.
  • Planning with expertly determined power reserve.
  • Determination of production costs for a fixed schedule.

Delivery planning and scheduling

In terms of delivery planning and scheduling, the LUXtrade system provides:

  • Multi-criteria optimization of Generating Units, taking into account Regulatory System Services.
  • Optimization of generation units’ loads in terms of costs, including emission costs.
  • Automatic generation of documents for the TSO for the purposes of sale, purchase and cross-border exchange, generation of final graphic documents and documents necessary for exchange between contractors.
  • Possibility of reporting indicators of generating units, taking into account relative costs and revenue indicators.
  • It also allows you to create start-up and shutdown schedules for generating units. depending on the following parameters:
    • Load profiles assigned to individual contracts.
    • Restrictions on differentiation of load profiles.
    • Restrictions linking the execution of the contract with the generation of energy only by dedicated generating units (when there are no such limitations, the system spreads the loads over the full set of units assigned to the operation).
    • Technical limitations of generating units.
    • Scheduled maintenance and repairs.
    • Forced generation (MUST RUN category).
    • Restrictions resulting from the characteristics of the power plant or from the structure of network constraints.
    • Emissions Guidelines.
    • Balancing options, market turnover and prices.



Communication with Transmission Network Operators


WIRE (Communication System with the Transmission System Operator) is a module of the LUXtrade system that enables Commercial and Technical Operators and Commercial Operators to actively participate in energy trading on the Hourly Balancing Market. The task of the module is to exchange technical and commercial information as part of the Energy Market Information Exchange system. The WIRE module is compliant with the requirements of the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and enables full cooperation with the WIRE central node. It is fully integrated with the LUXtrade system, which comprehensively supports the activities of enterprises on the Electricity Market.

Module functions:

  • Enables sending and obtaining all documents required for particular types of Market Participants.
  • Monitors the process of sending documents to the central node (COA, COD, POD); enables the provision of OH and OHT services.
  • Allows you to send and store documents for multiple groups of graphics units.
  • Allows you to create ZUSE documents (Energy Sales Agreement Submission) for various types of scheduling units.
  • Controls the balancing of units by:
    • Blocking sending an incomplete number of documents, i.e. sending ZUSE only for one turnover unit.
    • Blocking sending unbalanced documents (e.g. when the sum of reported contracts is not equal to the sum of contracts for the receiving unit).
    • Supports the creation of ZOBH documents (Balancing Offer Submission – Commercial part) using handy price lists, templates and offer filling algorithms.
    • Verifies ZUSE and ZOBH documents in terms of the rules set out in the Regulations of the Balancing Market.
    • Enables import of ZUSE and ZOBH documents prepared in another system from a file (csv, xls, xml).
    • Signals graphically and audibly about the arrival of a document from PSE.
    • It has a browser interface, which enables remote operation of the module (the user can, for example, send ZUSE and ZOBH documents from home).

SOWE (Communication System with the Transmission System Operator) A module designed for effective cooperation and communication between energy producers and the Transmission System Operator.

The module allows you to:

  • Preparation, exchange and negotiation of plans in documents that do not contain or contain planned states of generating units.
  • Supervising processes such as maintenance, unit start-up or shutdown phases, unit failures, faulty adjustments, measurements, classification of operations, manufacturing constraints.
  • Acquiring unit load plans and generation plans from the Transmission System Operator for each unit, verifying the correctness of the plans in relation to the unit states resulting from previously sent or received load plans.
  • Validation of documents and their supervision against the background of the current operational capacity of units and the planned execution of schedules.
  • Service of generating units of wind sources.
  • Possibility to monitor many Generating Units and operational events in one SOWE System.


  • Communication with all operators of the German electricity market through Intern/Extern documents.
  • Automatic and manual import of capacity file from CAO auction office.
  • Generation of Intern/Extern scheduling requests based on concluded cross-system energy transactions and introduced capacities.
  • Import of notifications from an XML file.
  • Calculation of imbalances in German areas.
  • Sending reports of Intern/Extern schedulers and SRQ document to German TSOs via e-mail and FTP.
  • Automatically receiving responses from German TSOs (ACK, ANO, CNF) from a mail server, FTP server or network drive.
  • Presentation of notifications and responses from German TSOs.
  • Preview of graphics not yet confirmed by the CNF document.
  • Presentation of the history of all requests and responses in a given period of time.
  • Fast switching of the communication mode with the operator (E-mail/FTP).


  • Exchange of data with operators regarding nominations/renominations and allocations.
  • Communication with the Polish operator GAZ-System and German Gaspool, Gascade, Ontrans.
  • Communication in accordance with the EDIG@S and DVGW standards.
  • Exchange of NOMINT, NOMRES, ACKNOW, CONTRL, ALOCAT documents in the versions required by each operator and using the interface provided by each of them (email, AS2, AS4).

Portfolio management

In terms of portfolio management, the LUXtrade system supports system users in monitoring contract positions on many commodities, market valuations, optimization and scenario analyses.

The key functionalities of the system include:

  • Analytical portfolios – grouping transactions by any attributes.
  • You can define your own ways of grouping transactions into portfolios.
  • Wallet permissions for different user groups.
  • Inter-portfolio relationships – transfer of exposure from portfolio to portfolio.
  • Monitoring of an open position broken down by commodity, traders, contractors, others.
  • Real-time open position.
  • Open product item/open item schedule.
  • Forward curves.
  • Mark-to-Market (MtM) pricing.
  • Mark-to-Forekast (MtF) pricing.
  • RNP (Risk Neutral Position) pricing.
  • Archiving reports from an open item.
  • P&L (Profit and Loss) report.
  • KRIs/KPIs.
  • KRI/KPI limits.
  • Email alerts about exceeding the value of KRI/KP indicators.
  • Transaction mandates.


The forecasting module of the LUXtrade system was created for the purpose of predicting data contained in time series, such as demand for heat, energy, prices of energy and raw materials.

Module functions:

  • Generation of demand forecasts and market prices for various time horizons (day, month, decade) selected by the user.
  • Generation of forecasts taking into account any number of factors, such as weather forecast parameters or historical data of forecast factors.
  • Selection of models from a wide range of predefined models.
  • The ability to indicate the characteristics of the forecasting period (weekdays, weekends, holidays) and the selection of appropriate models for it.
  • Functions for calculating varied statistics and capturing incorrect models over selected ranges.
  • You can choose the type of data presentation: charts, diagrams, series or error histograms.
  • The ability to perform manual expert adjustments and incorporate them into forecasting.
  • A wide range of tools created for precise forecasting:
    • Time series (including AR, ARX, ARMAX, SARIMA, ARCH, GARCH),
    • Artificial neural networks (e.g. NARX).
    • Simulation models.
    • SVM models.
    • Random forest.
    • Regression trees.
    • k-NN.
    • Expert models.
    • Hybrid (mixed) models for minimizing variance errors.
    • The ability to create and manage your own model in the “R” environment, the most popular programming metalanguage for statistics.

Market risk management

The LUXtrade system supports market risk management in the area of ​​wholesale electricity trading, property rights, emission allowances, gas in relation to possible unfavorable changes in the value of the contract, the portfolio of contracts under the influence of changes in market conditions. The key functionalities of the system include:

  • Analyzes the possible impact of market factors to compare open positions at risk.
  • Simulations of forward curves.
  • Modeling risk factors with time series and stochastic processes.
  • Calculation of Value at RISK (VaR), Profit at RISK (PaR) risk ratios using the historical, variance-covariance, Monte-Carlo method.
  • Building lists to streamline the decision-making process and reporting on the risk analysis carried out for transactions already in progress.
  • Statistical models.
  • Integration with the environment for mathematical and statistical calculations R.

Data reporting and analysis

The LUXtrade reporting module is a Business Intelligence class tool that allows you to prepare reports from various operational areas of the company, ranging from finance, through sales and production analysis, to customer analyses, deliveries, marketing and distribution, and many others.

The module provides:

  • The functionality of creating reports and analyzes on data from multiple domain systems at the same time.
  • Easy and quick access to legible business data using the MS Excel interface.
  • Automatic report distribution.
  • Control of access to the business scope at the level of a single report, data source.
  • A friendly and adaptable user interface that does not require knowledge of programming languages ​​or database structure.

Data Warehouse

Collects data from all system modules and market data. It provides all the necessary data for individual user groups. It introduces an element of standardization of access to data and ultimately constitutes the so-called “the only source of truth” – fully meets the company’s needs in the area of ​​analysis and reporting as well as development and operation of decision support systems. It uses performance enhancing solutions provided by database engines, such as partitioning, materialized views and query rewriting.

  • Access to real-time transactional data in the context of on-line reporting using built-in or external analytical and reporting systems.
  • Standard developed mechanisms for downloading market data in the field of the Energy and Gas Market.
  • Possibility of expanding with new thematic areas using the existing infrastructure.
  • Data aggregation and recalculation of highly complex algorithms to improve reporting efficiency.
  • Managing ETL processes from the Event Detection Module.
  • Loading data from any sources (databases, flat files, web pages, etc.).
  • Integration of data from many domain systems in one place, allowing for the creation of cross-sectional analyzes from various business areas.

Recording and management of raw materials

  • Comprehensive data management in the field of planning, implementation and settlements of raw material management, in particular coal, biomass, sorbents, oil and transport services as well as laboratory services.
  • The module integrates the entire supply chain of raw materials, from planning and scheduling, through implementation, to billing and invoicing in a transparent and secure manner.
  • Records of supplier parameters, contracts and definitions specific to the raw materials sector.
  • A number of definitions needed for effective management of raw material supplies, such as Quality Parameters, Classes, Forms, Price Lists, Billing Templates.
  • Management of deliveries of coal, biomass, oil and sorbents as well as management of the transport service of the above-mentioned raw materials.
  • Creating annual and monthly consumption plans for a given raw material, divided into freely defined recipients.
  • On the basis of orders, delivery schedules are defined in the system, allowing for precise planning and management of transport and collection of individual deliveries.
  • Based on completed deliveries, the module generates settlements taking into account the relevant price lists and delivery parameters, along with possible discounts or contractual penalties.

Implementation of Reporting Obligations

  • Records of all Capital Group transactions subject to REMIT, EMIR and MIFID2 reporting.
  • Communication with RRM TGE regarding the REMIT obligation and KDPW RT regarding the EMIR obligation.
  • Creating schedules for generating and sending reports, downloading data from source systems, etc.
  • Coupling with the LUXtrade transaction module in the scope of reported transactions (adding, deleting, modifications, termination).
  • The ability to manually load transactions from an XLS file.
  • Dedicated interface for downloading transaction data of the Capital Group from external systems.
  • User interface that allows you to import a file, manually export/resubmit a report, view the list of exports with status.
  • Document library.
  • Import of reports sent on behalf of the Capital Group by the other party to the contract or by the Organized Trading Facility.
  • Comparing data from reports sent by third parties with data in the Central Transaction Database.
  • The ability to create any lists and reports based on the Central Transaction Database for reporting to supervisory entities.
  • Alerts, reminders.
  • Examination of the value of Clearing Theshold, related to the obligation to report valuations and collateral.
  • Records of contractors, including the ability to download a contractor from SAP.
  • Records of ACER, MIFID dictionaries, e.g.: platform dictionary, ACER code dictionary.
  • Supports transaction compression.
  • Calculation of net position and open position, monitoring of overshoots
  • Calculation of net position and open position, monitoring of limit violations and reporting to exchanges as part of MIFID2 reporting.
  • Performing a MIFID2 market share test.